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The mild taste of a real light lager!
The mild taste of a real light lager!

“Koryfei” is a special sort of Ukrainian beer. It combines all the best qualities of real classic European beer of the lager type.

Opillia “Koryfei” beer has a malty taste with moderate hop bitterness. Gives a pleasant aftertaste with hints of malt licorice. This classic beer of old Europe is brewed according to the traditional recipe of the “Bavarian Beer Act” of 1516. It gives a pure taste of beer.
42 kcal / 100g Caloric content
4,6g / 100g Nutritional value
Pale Lager Kind
11% Density (OG)
OG - Original Gravity - the key characteristic that determines the saturation of beer. This is the concentration of dry matter in the wort from which the beer will be brewed. Measured before fermentation.
4,2% Alcohol (ABV)
ABV - Alcohol by Volume - an indicator of the strength of beer, the volume fraction of alcohol in the finished drink, specified as a percentage (% vol.).
15 Strength (IBU)
IBU - International Bitterness Unit - international units of beer bitterness. The IBU scale shows the level of beer intoxication and is measured in millionths of alpha acids, which are the basis of hop bitterness in a certain amount of beer. The scale varies from 0 to 120. The higher the value - the stronger the bitterness of beer, which depends on the variety of hops and the duration of its boiling.
Bottled in:
Glass bottle 0,5l
PET bottle 1l
PET bottle 1,5l
PET bottle 2l
Keg containing 30 liters
Keg containing 50 liters
History of Koryfei beer

History of Koryfei beer

“Koryfei” - the most popular beer from the brewery “Opillia”. From the ancient Greek “Koryfei” translates a true leader, the one who is always on top. In the ancient drama, “Koryfei” was called the leaders of the choir. Later, “Koryfei” was the so-called leading soloist of the corps de ballet (an ensemble that performs mass dance performances in ballet)..


Opillia Koryfei is brewed according to classical technology

It matures in underground cellars, where the temperature is always stable +1 - + 2ºC. It is there that the processes of fermentation of beer wort, fermentation, and maturation of beer take place. To give shining color, the beer undergoes a filtration process, to remove yeast from the beer.

For cooking beer "Opillia Koryfei" use

malting barley malt purified water malting barley hop brewer's yeast

Koryfei perfectly tastes with...

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Especially for connoisseurs of the origin beer

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